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Discover the song in you today!

Learn the essentials of songwriting with writer and broadcaster Georgia Ruth.

Posted in: Get creative
A person playing a guitar
Posted in: Get creative

This tool was developed as part of Cultural Cwtsh, which was an online creative wellbeing hub for the health and care workforce in Wales, created by the Arts Council of Wales in collaboration with artists across the country.

In partnership with the Arts Council of Wales, we’re excited to share this mental wellbeing tool, alongside with many other creative resources, with everyone in Wales!

Hello! It’s Georgia Ruth here. I’m a musician and broadcaster from Aberystwyth and I have been writing songs since I was six years old.

There’s often a bit of a mystery around the idea of song writing.

I’m keen to show you that the process can be intuitive and simple. It can bring comfort and pleasure, and writing a song is something that anyone can do from the comfort of your own home.

Firstly I will show you how to go about writing the words or lyrics. There’s no right or wrong way of doing this, it’s just a case of tuning in to the present, asking yourself – how do I feel right now?, and playing with words.

Next we will find the melody that fits the words. Once again, I would like to show that this is an intuitive and fun process that anyone can do, even if you don’t sing often.

Finally (and this last video is optional!) I’ll show you the different ways of accompanying your song, and how different influences can change the feeling and tone of your song.

Join me and discover the ideas that exist within you today, you might be surprised!

Equipment needed

Please note these videos are only available in Welsh.

Cyflwyniad a Pharatoi
QR Code Watch the video: Cyflwyniad a Pharatoi
Y Geiriau
QR Code Watch the video: Y Geiriau
Melodi (y gerddoriaeth)
QR Code Watch the video: Melodi (y gerddoriaeth)
Cyfeilio (opsiynol)
QR Code Watch the video: Cyfeilio (opsiynol)

Resources supplied by Georgia Ruth and Dafydd Hughes.

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