Understanding our experiences
What happens to us during childhood can affect how we react to particular situations or emotions and influence our future actions.
It’s important to understand if our past is negatively affecting us now and to reach out if we need support.
Having people who support us can make it easier to deal with and bounce back from these experiences.
Managing stress
Sometimes life can be stressful. A little bit of stress can be helpful in motivating us to act. But when stress lasts a long time, be it from money or relationship difficulties or other causes, it can negatively impact our physical and mental health. It also increases the risk of developing common mental health problems like depression or anxiety.
Talking to people we trust and making time for activities we enjoy is important for reducing feelings of stress. If we struggle to relax and stress is impacting how we think, feel and act, we might need to speak to a health professional for additional support.
Understanding and coping with changing situations
Sometimes life can be busy and chaotic; it changes constantly, which can result in a sense of loss of control. It is important that we are able to understand and cope with changing situations that can cause stress, like an illness, a traumatic event, increase in cost of living or problems in a relationship.
When we can make sense of a situation, no matter how difficult it is, we can take control and begin to work out what to do next. When that happens, we feel calmer.
We can learn to deal with stress by from reflecting on situations we’ve been through before, or from talking to others who have been through something similar.
Explaining mental wellbeing
Learn more about what mental wellbeing means and the things that can impact it.
Find out more