I’m a paediatric nurse and mother to three young children. I have no family for support and have suffered from severe depression and anxiety until I started putting my mental health first.
Why is looking after your mental wellbeing important to you?
So that I am living my life the best I can – most importantly, so that I give my children a happy life and good mental health.
What do you do to protect and improve your mental wellbeing?
I practise mindfulness; I am aware of what my mind and body are telling me, and when I feel a negative change, I stop and reset.
I spend time on my own doing what makes me happy.
What is one thing you have started doing in the last year that’s helped your mental wellbeing?
I having started practising gratitude and started saying no to things I don’t really want to do.
Anything else you’d like to share? This might be a quote or advice you’d like to give to others.
Do what makes you happy. Be grateful for each day you are given and be kind to others. I compliment strangers and to see them smile makes me happy.