I’m a 54-year-old white Welsh nurse, wife and gardener.
Why is looking after your mental wellbeing important to you?
Because maintaining good mental wellbeing is essential for me to be on top of my game and is required for me to work effectively and efficiently. If I’m stressed, I tend to get anxious.
What do you do to protect and improve your mental wellbeing?
Try and keep to my contracted hours where possible. Take a lunch break most days, though this isn’t as easy, as we are always accessible on Microsoft Teams.
I now work part time, winding down towards retirement next year.
I have an allotment and play golf, both of which ensure I get exercise and fresh air (and fresh veg).
This is my allotment – we only took it on this year, having been on the waiting list since pre-covid. I’ve loved growing our own veg, and the other plot holders have been so helpful. It’s where I go to get peace of mind.
What is one thing you have started doing in the last year that’s helped your mental wellbeing?
Work part time – job share. Previous to this, I was really struggling with managing my workload.
Anything else you’d like to share? This might be a quote or advice you’d like to give to others.
It’s over and done with! (A song by The Proclaimers.) If something bad or negative happens, learn from it and put it behind you. No good comes from mulling it over or beating yourself up over it.