My name is Lucy. I’m 47.
Why is looking after your mental wellbeing important to you?
I am a carer for my elderly father and a single mum of two. If I don’t look after my mental wellbeing, I won’t be able to look after the people I love in the way that they need.
What do you do to protect and improve your mental wellbeing?
When I recognise when I am feeling stressed or down, I talk to my family and ask for help with specific tasks to take the pressure off. I take a walk in the woods with my dog just to get outside and be away from the computer or housework tasks.
I say to myself that wobbles are OK, they will pass.
What is one thing you have started doing in the last year that’s helped your mental wellbeing?
I have started personal counselling which is helping me live life with more autonomy.
Anything else you’d like to share? This might be a quote or advice you’d like to give to others.
Take one day at a time when things feel tough. One day suddenly everything feels OK, and you realise that you survived. Be kind to yourself.