Why is looking after your mental wellbeing important to you?
For my health, happiness, life satisfaction, productivity and to be able to support others around me.
What do you do to protect and improve your mental wellbeing?
Limit social media, limit news exposure, meditate daily, practise gratitude daily, workout daily, socialise weekly, prioritise sleep and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
What is one thing you have started doing in the last year that’s helped your mental wellbeing?
Reading/listening to podcasts about health and wellbeing, and how to protect and improve it in today’s society.
Anything else you’d like to share? This might be a quote or advice you’d like to give to others.
To improve your mental wellbeing, you have to become aware of what’s working against you so you can actively make changes.
It doesn’t drastically change overnight; it takes time to notice improvements after you’ve started making the necessary changes.