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Printing With Packaging

In this series of short videos, learn how to make prints with household packaging.

Posted in: Get creativeLearning something newHobbies and interests
A piece of paper with different prints stamped onto it: tree, yellow path, lake, yellow fish and squirrel. Next to it, on another sheet of paper, are the cutouts that match the prints.
Posted in: Get creativeLearning something newHobbies and interests

This tool was developed as part of Cultural Cwtsh, which was an online creative wellbeing hub for the health and care workforce in Wales, created by the Arts Council of Wales in collaboration with artists across the country.

In partnership with the Arts Council of Wales, we’re excited to share this mental wellbeing tool, alongside with many other creative resources, with everyone in Wales!

Hello, I’m Marian Haf, a printmaker from Ceredigion working predominantly with collagraphs.

In the series of short videos, I’m going to guide you through how to make prints with household packaging with my youngest, Gruff. It’s an activity we often do together; there’s a process to printmaking – a beginning, a middle and end – and its this process that I’d like you to enjoy and to take the emphasis away from the end product, but play for play sake.

There’s also a second tutorial on how to print from leaves a lovely activity to do after a walk, with beautiful results.

Enjoy the process and the making,

Marian Haf

Please note that these videos are in both English and Welsh.

Introduction to printmaking
Equipment you'll need

Download a PDF outlining the list of resources you’ll need to try the activity at home.

Getting started
Inking your design
Blotting and printing
Gruff's print
Printing with leaves

Download a PDF outlining the resources you’ll need to try this activity at home.

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